
Walk and Talk Festival, Azores, Portugal

Part one - Burning the table to ashes

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The first part of my projet was to burn this used furniture piece found on the island of Sao Miguel. Before the burning, the table was used naturally at several occasions as a place of gathering by the participants to the festival, people eating and chattingover it. This piece became one about ephemeral communities and the table was burned to spread around the world the connections between people coming from abroad.

 Image: Rui Soares

 Image: Rui Soares

Part two - Releasing the ashes
from the tables and chairs

A collective walk was organised in order to release the ashes coming from the table and chairs, burnt before as a group ritual. The ashes were placed on different parts of my body and were spread along the walk.

Images; Sara Pinheiro


The images of the table burning were kept and exhibited in different collective spaces of the city of Sao Miguel. In total four phones were installed in public spaces,  one in a small coffe shop, the other one in a hairdresser, another one in a bar and the last one at the headquarter of the festival.

One the phones was installed in a small coffee shop
One of the phones was installed in a hairdresser